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Customer to waiter
Why are you writing very slowly?
I have swallowed a key
An old rich man buys hearing aids
A Kid calls the Help Desk
A blonde man filling up an application form
A Blonde cuts sides of the capsule before taking it
This is the only way
A ship is sinking

Dealing with a juggler
Careful when you wish
Answering machine message 67
Getting into fights
Go on a hiking trip
A snail buys a fast new car
Boat troubles
A 10pm curfew was imposed in Belfast
Woman is on a bus


#3935 Smoke area
Limited visibility next 80 km....
#3912 Completely frozen Niagara Falls
This rare photo was taken in early 20th century (exact date unknown). ...
#3908 Invisible Cows
Use extreme caution and drive very slowly in this open range....
#3890 Penny or a smile
Homeless guy with a sense of humor...
#3887 Chinese resort
Can anyone see water on the photo? Total lack of private space. ...
#3879 Ladies
Slippery when wet. ...
#3872 Nokia 8800
Russian edition. ...
#3863 Zing!
Launch for lunch. ...
#3859 Summer camp toilet
For those urgent needs. ...
#3834 Thank you for stealing my tree
Happy new year greetings from the Forlini family. ...
#3826 Pink door
Those who tag this door have a stupidly small... ...
#3822 Imaginary friend missing
Imaginary friend missing...
#3814 Damn rednecks
This was the most necessary thing they have done in a while. ...
#3813 Give him Some Spare Change
Britney,s sister is going to have a baby and I need money for a nice gift. ...
#3795 Life
You finally get your day in the sun and then: sand ninjas. ...

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